The NCR’s labor force participation rate in 2013 for the NSO-LFS was estimated at 63.5 % of its working age population while those not in the labor force was 36.5%. Applied to the city, this is estimated at 1,348,546 of the labor force population with 775,149 persons not included in the labor force which is composed of mostly housewives, students, retirees and PWDs. The 2013 NCR Integrated Survey of Households by NSO (Percent Distribution of Employed by Major Industry) listed the top five (5) industries with highest employment, namely:
- Wholesale and retail Industry with the highest number of employed persons at 24.4% share;
- Manufacturing sector with 10.4%;
- Construction Industries at 9.1%;
- Administrative and support services at 8.4%; and
- Accommodation and food services with 8.2%.
It could be noted that in terms of type/business classification, wholesale and retail also had the biggest number in the registered business database of the City. The NCR 2013 unemployment rate is 10.3% or an equivalent of about 138,900 unemployed persons in the City.
Industry and Service
The City’s economy continues to be dominated by small to medium-scale business establishments engaged mostly in the distribution of finished products and in the provision of basic services. There has been an increasing trend in the number of registered businesses from 2008-2013, with the latest total count reported at 64,515 with 13,417 as new and 51,098 renewals.
The Industry sector had a 6.12% share of the total registered businesses of 3,497 in 2013. This was composed of those in the Manufacturing segment (eg. printing/publishing, assembly of motor vehicles, fabrication of metal, steel and aluminum products, etc.)numbering to 2,233 or 3.46% share; followed by Construction which is composed of construction of buildings, site preparation & development, Architectural and Engineering works, etc.with 1,709 establishments (2.65%) and those in the Electric, Gas & Water Supply with only a total number of 5 registered establishments.
Data for the year 2013 showed that 93.88% of registered businesses belonged to the Services sector. The biggest shares were from those businesses engaged in the Wholesale/Retail Trade which totaled to 27,922 or 43.28% of total registered businesses. It is also the number one business revenue source of the city and shown to be increasing in number in the last three (3) years. The second major business type in the City is the Real Estate, Renting and Other Business Activities, i.e. those engaged in leasing of real properties, consultancy and law offices, janitorial/ messengerial/ labor services, real estate broker and developer. It registered a total of 17,461 (27%) businesses.
Those engaged in Hotels & Restaurants Activities ranked 3rd in number with a total of 4,318 followed by Other Community, Social & Personal Services (e.g. beauty salons, dress shops, computer shops, etc.) which registered 3,947 businesses. Other succeeding types are as follows:
- Financial Intermediation -composed of banks, pawnshops, money shops and financing & holding companies, etc.) with 2,855;
- Transport and Communications – transport companies/operators, trucking/hauling services, forwarding/freight services, radio & TV networks, etc. with 1,8722 establishments;
- Health and Social Works- hospitals, clinics, laboratories, etc. with 1,274 establishments; and
- Education – composed of the colleges, universities, vocational schools and other training institutions.
By and large, the tourism industry in Quezon City continues to be a major con-tributor to the country’s economic growth, hence considered as one of the tourists spots in the Philippines. Travelers that contributed the largest share of visitors come from South Korea, United States of America, Japan, and China.
The location of Quezon City in relation to the visitors’ entry points (Airport and Pier) has contributed greatly to the inflow of various tourists in the City. QC is the main gateway, linking Metro Manila to all Northern and Southern Luzon expressways. It is easily accessible from the major highways, thoroughfares and mass transit systems. It has the Epifanio De los Santos Avenue (EDSA) – as the longest highway in the metropolis and the Commonwealth Avenue – as the country’s’ widest. It is so expansive that its eastern areas are connected to the main C-5 high¬way. It offers easy access to the North Luzon Expressway (NLEX) that takes tourists to their destinations at Clark, Subic, Baguio and other parts in Northern Philippines. The City has numerous bus terminals where tourists can take a land trip to provinces in Luzon. It has also the light railroad systems that include the LRTs and MRTs stations that are interconnected within the City for tourists to commute easily.
As a powerful growth engine, tourism catalyzes economic development, produces huge exchange movements and accommodates big investments. The City intends to capitalize on its tourist marketing points, such as: