Quezon City residents who are planning to travel outside Metro Manila are advised to secure their medical travel clearance from a health center near them.
This after the City Health Department (CHD) announced it will no longer be issuing the said clearance from the city hall.
“We encourage our QCitizens to go to their health center preferably during the afternoon when the volume of patients is low,” said CHD chief Dra. Esperanza Arias.
Residents who will be securing a medical travel clearance should accomplish the downloadable health declaration form https://quezoncity.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/QCHD-Health-Declaration-Form.pdf.
They should also bring a government-issued identification card and a barangay clearance that will verify their residence and will show that they are not in the list of COVID-19 suspect, probable, nor confirmed individuals.
Applicants who will bring with them children aged 18 years old and below must present documents showing their relation to the said minor i.e. birth certificate.
Applicants who will be accompanied by senior citizens or those 60 years old and above, meanwhile, must present documents indicating that they have the same residence.
The complete list of health centers per district can be accessed from this link: https://quezoncity.gov.ph/qcitizen-guides/how-to-get-a-medical-travel-clearance-and-a-travel-pass/ . Applicants must go to the health center located at or near their barangay. They must also take note of the doctor’s schedule before heading to the center.
In instances when the assigned doctor is unavailable or schedules don’t match, the applicants are advised to proceed to the next nearest health center within the same cluster in their district.