Quezon City Department or Office involved:

A marriage license is a document that authorizes a couple to marry. It must be obtained before the wedding. To apply for and obtain a marriage license in Quezon City, at least one of the individuals must be a resident, and the marriage must take place in Quezon City.


  1. Should be of marriagable age of at least 18 years old, for both male or female
  2. Marriage License Application Form
  3. Government-issued valid ID, bearing applicant’s residential address
  4. Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR)
  5. Birth or Baptismal Certificates of both applicants
  6. Community Tax Certificate (Cedula)
  7. 2×2 ID picture (one for each applicant)
  8. Certificate of Family Planning and Marriage Counseling and Responsible Parenthood
  9. If applicable:
    • Municipal Form No. 92-Consent of Marriage of a Person Under Age (for applicant/s 18 to 20 years old)
    • Municipal Form No. 7-Sworn Statement that Advice of Parents or Guardian has been asked (for applicant/s 21 to 25 years old)
    • Municipal Form No. 8-Advice upon Intended Marriage (for applicant/s 21 to 25 years old)
    • Certificate of Family Planning from the Quezon City Health Department
    • Certificate of Marriage Counseling from the Social Services Development Department
  10. If either of the contracting parties is previously married:
    • Judicial Decree of Annulment or declaration of nullity of his or her previous marriage
    • Judicial decree of Absolute Divorce
    • Death Certificate of the deceased spouse
  11. If Divorced:
    • Copy of final decree or absolute divorce
  12. For Foreigners
    • Photocopy of valid passport (indicating the date of arrival)
    • Certificate of Legal Capacity to Marry issued by their respective diplomatic or consular officials


  • The original copies of the requirements must be presented to the Civil Registry Officer for examination and both contracting parties must appear in person.
  • Marriage License is only valid for 120 days from the date of issuance.


  1. Log in to QC E-services.
  2. Click ‘Civil Registry Online Services’.
  3. Under Marriage Services, click ‘Marriage License Application’
  4. Fill in all the required fields with the correct information about the groom and bride.
  5. Upload the digital copies of the required documents to the assigned folder.
  6. Wait for an email notification regarding the submission of original documents.
  7. Proceed to the City Civil Registry Department Office to submit the original documents.
  8. Pay the corresponding fees at the City Treasurer’s Office.
    • Marriage License Application Form: PHP 50
    • Filing Fee: PHP 100
    • Marriage License: P100
  9. Observe the 10-day mandatory posting period, during which the application details are publicly posted to allow for any objections.
  10. If no objections are raised within the posting period, claim the released marriage license.


  1. Present and suvbmit original documents including notarized marriage license application form to the receiving clerk.
  2. Pay the corresponding fees at the City Treasurer’s Office.
    • Marriage License Application Form: PHP 50
    • Filing Fee: PHP 100
    • Marriage License: P100
  3. Observe the 10-day mandatory posting period, during which the application details are publicly posted to allow for any objections.
  4. If no objections are raised within the posting period, claim the released marriage license.