Quezon City has been recognized by CDP as one of 88 cities across the globe that continues to lead on environmental action despite the pressures of tackling Covid-19. These cities, representing a combined global population of almost 125 million, reported their environmental data to the CDP-ICLEI Unified Reporting System in 2020.
The CDP is a global non-profit charity running the global environmental disclosure system for businesses & cities. Designed to drive and support cities to ramp up their climate action and ambition, CDP’s A List is based on environmental data disclosed by hundreds of cities in 2020. The full A List of cities is published here.
To score an A, a city must disclose publicly and have a city-wide emissions inventory, have set an emissions reduction target, and must have published a climate action plan. It must also complete a climate risk and vulnerability assessment and have completed a climate adaptation plan to demonstrate how it will tackle climate hazards now and, in the future, among other actions.
Quezon City has been recognized for its actions to develop robust climate change strategies, track and act to limit and reduce emissions, assess and mitigate climate risks, and transparently report this information in its 2020 disclosure to CDP. For years, the City has been reporting in the CDP platform to manage and monitor its climate and environmental data which are crucial in making informed decisions in planning and prioritizing its climate programs.
“We are proud to have earned a spot on the CDP’s A List cities”, says Quezon City Mayor Joy Belmonte. “This milestone affirms Quezon City’s commitment towards a science-based approach to climate action planning and risk governance. Local climate actions that are driven by robust data and a social equity lens could bring about multiple economic, environmental, and health benefits to our citizens, especially the most vulnerable groups.”
Mayor Belmonte underscores the importance of a green and sustainable recovery amidst the global public health emergency: “Quezon City has developed a sustainable recovery plan which aims to address the economic and health impacts of the pandemic while integrating low carbon and climate resilient development. Fortunately, the City’s transition to low carbon and sustainable economy has started way before the pandemic happened. We have made significant investments in sustainable mobility projects such as e-trikes and cycling, urban agriculture, flood mitigation and risk governance, and the solarization of city-owned buildings.”
Quezon City aims to provide a better quality of life for its citizens through the realization of its vision to “build a livable, green, sustainable and climate resilient city”. To further strengthen its commitment to climate action, Quezon City has partnered with various international city networks and organizations and has signed international declarations such as the Paris Pledge of Action, Deadline 2020, the C40 Clean Air Cities Declaration, and the C40 Good Food Declaration.
Under the C40 Climate Action Planning (CAP) Programme, the City is developing an enhanced climate action plan that will deliver transformative actions that are consistent with the Paris Agreement, addressing both the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to adverse climate change impacts. The city government is also working with flagship technical assistance programs with C40 Cities, which include the development of solar power facilities in city-owned facilities, amendment of the Green Building Code, and the development of an air quality monitoring network and management plan.
As part of its low carbon efforts, Quezon City is championing circular business models to address consumption-based emissions. In line with this, the City is piloting programs on sustainable food consumption and production led by its food security task force; setting up of zero-waste facilities called “Bring Your Own Bottle”; and the upcycling of materials through its materials recovery facilities. “The future for now may be uncertain especially for Cities that continue to be affected by the pandemic. As we go in this new normal to better manage the spread of this disease, Quezon City will be making sure that we provide a safe environment for our citizens while advancing ambitious climate actions. We are also committed to continue reporting on the CDP platform and would encourage other Cities to do so to help us find solutions to create resilient and thriving cities.”, adds Mayor Belmonte.