Quezon City Department or Office involved:
The Safety Seal in Quezon City signifies that establishments comply with health and safety protocols, ensuring the safety and orderliness of their premises. Displayed as a green check poster at entrances, it not only assures customers of adherence to health guidelines but also indicates that the establishment employs vaccinated workers.
Application via email:
- Submit a request to safetyseal.bpld@quezoncity.gov.ph. If the business is duly registered in the city, it is eligible for a Safety Seal.
- A form will be provided for filling out, along with a checklist of submission requirements via email.
- Once approved, the business will receive a copy of the Safety Seal for printing. If documents are incomplete, an email will request additional documents.
Application via QC E-Services:
- Go to QC E-Services and select ‘Business One-Stop Shop’ from the list of services.
- Select ‘Submit Safety Seal Application’.
- Complete the form and click ‘Request’.
- Upon submission, the Safety Seal application will be evaluated.
- Once approved, the business will receive a copy of the Safety Seal for printing. If documents are incomplete, an email will request additional documents.