Quezon City Department or Office involved:

The Safety Seal in Quezon City signifies that establishments comply with health and safety protocols, ensuring the safety and orderliness of their premises. Displayed as a green check poster at entrances, it not only assures customers of adherence to health guidelines but also indicates that the establishment employs vaccinated workers.

Application via email:

  1. Submit a request to safetyseal.bpld@quezoncity.gov.ph. If the business is duly registered in the city, it is eligible for a Safety Seal.
  2. A form will be provided for filling out, along with a checklist of submission requirements via email.
  3. Once approved, the business will receive a copy of the Safety Seal for printing. If documents are incomplete, an email will request additional documents.

Application via QC E-Services:

  1. Go to QC E-Services and select ‘Business One-Stop Shop’ from the list of services.
  2. Select ‘Submit Safety Seal Application’.
  3. Complete the form and click ‘Request’.
  4. Upon submission, the Safety Seal application will be evaluated.
  5. Once approved, the business will receive a copy of the Safety Seal for printing. If documents are incomplete, an email will request additional documents.