City Department or Office involved:

  1. Safety First: Always prioritize your safety by wearing a helmet and mask protection to shield yourself from potential hazards.
  2. Look Out: Move cautiously by scanning and checking your surroundings before turning or changing lanes to avoid accidents.
  3. Go with the Flow: Follow the direction of traffic and avoid counterflowing, which can disrupt the flow and pose risks to you and other road users.
  4. Hand Signals: Use proper hand signals to indicate your intentions when making maneuvers on the road, ensuring clear communication with other motorists.
  5. Stay Visible (Seenzone): Position yourself where drivers can see you, avoiding blind spots, and maintain a safe distance to increase your visibility and reduce the risk of collisions.
  6. Blinking Firefly: Ensure you are clearly visible, especially during low-light conditions such as night or early morning, by using reflective gear or lights on your bike.
  7. Keep Your Focus: Stay alert and avoid distractions. Always keep your head up, scan ahead, and be aware of your surroundings. Refrain from using gadgets or wearing earphones that can divert your attention.
  8. Strategize Your Route: Plan your ride in advance by mapping out your route. Consider factors such as road conditions, traffic patterns, and potential hazards to ensure a smooth and safe journey.

Some bike-friendly initiatives by the city government:

  1. End-Of-Trip (EOT) facilities and bike sheds. These amenities offer secure parking and storage options for cyclists, promoting increased bike commuting.
  2. Monthly Kapihan Sessions. These sessions provide bikers opportunities to engage in discussions, share experiences, and stay informed about biking initiatives and developments in the city.


Ground Floor, DPOS Building, Quezon City Hall Compound